CAdreams(墨西哥球迷): 作为墨西哥人我现在慌得一匹。我们需要面对一支必须要赢的阿根廷,还有一支难搞的沙特,我们完蛋了。(As a Mexican I’m so scared ?. We’re going to have to play against a pissed off Argentina in a must win game and against a sneaky Saudi team. We’re so screwed.)
WallBroad(英格兰球迷): 该死,沙特两个进球我都睡着了。(Fuck me man I slept through both KSA goals.)
LickMyKnee(威尔士球迷): 阿根廷后卫跟你一样。(So did the Argentinian defence.)
RunnyRose(巴西球迷): 沙特门将这是得到《少林足球》真传了吧。 (Saudi Arabian keeper has channeled that Shaolin Soccer energy.)
cuc19(英格兰球迷): 每次阿根廷需要进球,每一次!他们都不要中场,这太扯了。最后20分钟他们就真的没中场。
迪马利亚和梅西身边总有四名防守球员,防守前仆后继其中一个哥们差点挂掉。阿根廷,你们在干什么?!(Every time Argentina are desperate, EVERY FUCKING TIME, they play as if they don't have a midfield. It's bizarre.Absolutely no midfield play in the last 20 minutes. All Di Maria or Leo who was marked by four dudes, and the so tightly marked that one of those four dude nearly died in the process.Argentina, what have you done?!)
Kuntheman(阿根廷球迷): 比赛末段梅西都踢成后腰了,这**什么中场!(Messi was playing CDM at the end of the game, fucking nonexistent midfield.)
ComfortableLaugh1922(巴西球迷): 中场只有梅西和德保罗,后者踢的就像在马竞时似的。(Tbh their midfield is basically Messi and RDP, who today played like he was wearing an Atleti shirt.)
Zorya-Polunochnaya(未知主队球迷): 别甜蜜的再传中了没鸟用,你们的前锋也就只有1米7出头,什么鬼?(Holy shit stop crossing it didn't work your forwards are literally 5'7 and 5'9 what the actual fuck?)
darrylleung(曼联球迷): “传中找梅西”战术看得我头大。(Infuriating to see that their game plan was “cross to Messi”.)
ArbuzAldo(未知主队球迷): 因为阿根廷中场人数不占优。(Because they were getting outplayed in midfield.)
Master_NoobX(巴西球迷): 中场?哪儿呢?(What midfield?)
IdanTSs(皇马球迷): 阿根廷:我们35场不败了!沙特:我认为你是在针对我。(Argentina: I’m 35 games unbeaten! Saudi Arabia: and I took that personally.)
bllewe(利兹联球迷): 抱歉我在泰国监狱关了10年刚出来——现在沙特是世界上最强的球队吗?(Sorry I've been locked in a Thai prison for 10 years - are Saudi Arabia the best team in the world now?)
boredjamaican(阿根廷球迷): 是的。
(Messi: I want to win the World Cup.
Sure thing, grandpa. Now let’s get you to bed.)
Mer0_ox(利物浦球迷): 梅西不是GOAT吗,他不知道沙特人每天都吃羊肉(goats)吧。(Messi the goat didn't realize that Saudis eat goats everyday ?)
enzuigiriretro(曼联球迷): 他们宁愿上有伤的罗梅罗也不上满血利马?活该嘛这不。(They actually played an injured Romero over a fully fit Lisandro Martinez? Fuck off lol.)
(World Cup fans: Not very impressive that England conceded 2 against Iran…
Argentina: Hold my beer…)